We are five labs working to address challenges across five key dimensions of urban life: crime, education, health, poverty, and energy & environment.
Urban Labs partners with civic and community leaders to unlock the power of science and improve lives.
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The Crime Lab partners with civic and community leaders to design, test, and scale promising programs and policies to reduce crime and violence. If you have a media inquiry, please reach out to John Williams: jwilliams100@uchicago.edu
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The Energy and Environment Lab partners with civic and community leaders to identify, rigorously evaluate, and help scale programs and policies that reduce pollution, conserve limited natural resources, and improve environmental outcomes, while ensuring access to reliable and affordable energy.
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The Poverty Lab partners with policymakers, community-based organizations and others to generate rigorous evidence that leads to greater economic opportunity for communities harmed by disinvestment and segregation.
Urban Labs works closely with partners to address some of the most pressing challenges across five key dimensions of urban life. Learn more about some of the work we have done and the impact it has made.
Chicago Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs and White Sox Continue to Support Solutions to Decrease Violence Affecting Hometown
Final Report
The Poverty Lab is evaluating a promising program to help young people succeed by committing to- and graduating from- community college
Small changes to environmental auditing reduced air pollution by 28% in India’s most industrialized state
City Club of Chicago Talk by Crime Lab Faculty Director Jens Ludwig
Chicago Tribune / December 15, 2017